Check out the new products and our new category for our range of re-furbished and fully checked products:

Also, we carry spare parts for many of the previous models sold, so it's cost effective to have them repaired rather than replaced. Contact us for more details:

Welcome to our new store layout. We trust you find it simpler to use.
Please note we are a wholesale company and therefore expect you require bulk quantities or are an 'Official Reseller' If you meet one of these requirements you will be required to create an 'Account' and provide us with details for us to verify BEFORE pricing is enabled and shown.

We stock leading brands such as:

Argox Printers and Mobile scanners, Datalogic, Fametech POS perpherials, GTCO Digitiser parts, PSC scanners and replacement cables, Percon Mobile scanners, Summa / Summagraphics Parts and consumables, STI cables, Rochford Thompson Cheque Readers, Tysso POS keyboards and perpherials, Zebex Scanners, POS scanners and mobile devices to just name a few......

Note that there are too many to fully list so if it's not there, please email us with details of your requirement.

Privacy Policy


Commitment to Privacy

Absolutely Group Pty Ltd ( Databar) ABN 86 079 154 162 takes its privacy obligations seriously. This includes protecting your privacy. Absolutely Group Pty Ltd is bound by new sections of the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 which set out a number of principles concerning the protection of personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how, when and why Absolutely Group Pty Ltd will collect, use, disclose and store your personal information.

There are two circumstances where Absolutely Group Pty Ltd may use or disclose your personal information in a way other than as set out in this policy:
1. where you consent to Absolutely Group Pty Ltd doing so and
2. where such use or disclosure is authorised by law.

Collection of Personal Information
Absolutely Group Pty Ltd needs certain personal information to provide its services to customers. If you provide inaccurate or incomplete information we may not be able to provide you with service.

Uses of collected Personal information
Absolutely Group Pty Ltd DOES NOT prove any personal information to a third party or sell or disclose your personal information to any other associated party, be it for joint marketing or other promotion. Absolutely Group Pty Ltd may however enter into an agreement with others to promote complimentary products or services, but your Personal Information will be retained internally and Absolutely Group Pty Ltd will provide the controlling method of transmission.

Accuracy of Your Personal Information
Absolutely Group Pty Ltd aims to ensure that your personal information is accurate, complete and up-to-date. To assist with this, please contact us if your details change. If you believe the information we have about you is not accurate, please contact us and we will take all reasonable steps to correct or update the information.

Security of Your Personal Information
Absolutely Group Pty Ltd is committed to keeping your personal information secure and will take all reasonable precautions to protect your personally identifiable information from loss, misuse or alteration. Absolutely Group Pty Ltd stores your personal information in electronic form in a customer management database. The database is secure and can only be accessed by authorised users. Any hard copies of personal information kept by Absolutely Group Pty Ltd, will be secure and accessible only by authorised personnel. Absolutely Group Pty Ltd will take all reasonable steps including an SSL web server to protect the personal information you transmit to us when using our website however, Absolutely Group Pty Ltd cannot guarantee the security of such information because data transmissions over the Internet are never totally secure.

Access to Personal Information
Upon your request, Absolutely Group Pty Ltd will provide you with copies of any personal information it holds about you. However, before Absolutely Group Pty Ltd does so, it may be necessary for you to prove your identity. You may be charged a fee that will reflect our reasonable administrative, posting and handling costs.

Absolutely Group Pty Ltd is not obliged to provide you with access to this personal information if:
1. it would pose a serious and imminent threat to the life or health of an individual;
2. it would have an unreasonable impact upon the privacy of other individuals;
3. the request is frivolous or vexatious;
4. the information relates to existing or anticipated legal proceedings between Absolutely Group Pty Ltd and you, and the information would not be required to be provided to you in those proceedings;
5. it would reveal the intentions of Absolutely Group Pty Ltd in relation to negotiations with you in such a way as to prejudice those negotiations;
6. it would be unlawful, may prejudice an investigation of possible unlawful activity, may prejudice enforcement of laws, or denying access is specifically authorised by law; or
7. it would reveal evaluative information generated within Absolutely Group Pty Ltd in connection with a commercially sensitive decision making process.

Absolutely Group Pty Ltd will provide you with reasons if we decline your request for access to your personal information. Contact us about Privacy Feel free to contact us about any privacy issue regarding Absolutely Group Pty Ltd. Simply phone Absolutely Group Pty Ltd on (03) 5273 0161. You will need to explain your concern and identify yourself so an appropriate person at Absolutely Group Pty Ltd can deal with it. If your concern cannot be properly dealt with immediately, Absolutely Group Pty Ltd will respond as soon as practicable. You may be asked to describe your concerns in writing. Absolutely Group Pty Ltd will respond as soon as practicable. If you have not received a response within 30 days, or you consider Absolutely Group Pty Ltd's response to be inadequate, you may refer the matter to the Federal Privacy Commissioner. Absolutely Group Pty Ltd will make every reasonable effort to resolve your concerns and will maintain a record of each written complaint received. Privacy Laws This Privacy Policy is consistent with: the National Privacy Principles (the NPP) as set out in Schedule 3 to the Privacy Act 1988. You can obtain a copy of the NPP from the Privacy Commissioner's website at or by contacting them directly.